Pra quem vê futebol na TV ou se arrisca a assistir os programas de mesa-redonda sobre futebol, a paciência
Pra quem vê futebol na TV ou se arrisca a assistir os programas de mesa-redonda sobre futebol, a paciência
já está no limite, nestes dias que antecedem o inevitável milésimo gol do baixinho. A mediocridade, já natural, dos programas está exarcebada por causa do episódio. A obviedade dos repórteres, a obsequiosidade dos narradores, a falta de imaginação dos comentaristas, iguala-se em pé de igualdade com a prepotência do craque. Nem em entrevistas com o Rei do futebol observa-se tanta subserviência, parece que se tem que agradar o ex-jogador em atividade, para conseguir que ele se digne a falar. Ainda bem que, nas contas
dele, falta só um. Melhor desligar o som. (Foto:Terra)
For who sees soccer in TV or takes a risk to attend the discussion panel programs on soccer, the patience is already in the limit, on these days that precede the inevitable thousandth goal of the “quietly”. The mediocrity, already natural, of the programs it is exaggerating because of the episode. The reporters' obviousness, the narrators' affability, the lack of the commentators' imagination, is equaled in foot of equality with the expert's prepotency. Nor in interviews with the King of the soccer so much subservience is observed, it seems that it is had to please the old player in activity, to get that he deigns to speak. Fortunately, in his bills, it lacks only one. Best to turn off the sound.
For who sees soccer in TV or takes a risk to attend the discussion panel programs on soccer, the patience is already in the limit, on these days that precede the inevitable thousandth goal of the “quietly”. The mediocrity, already natural, of the programs it is exaggerating because of the episode. The reporters' obviousness, the narrators' affability, the lack of the commentators' imagination, is equaled in foot of equality with the expert's prepotency. Nor in interviews with the King of the soccer so much subservience is observed, it seems that it is had to please the old player in activity, to get that he deigns to speak. Fortunately, in his bills, it lacks only one. Best to turn off the sound.
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